Faixas do Álbum Greenwall – Zappa Zippa Zuppa Zeppa
1. Superpezzi (3:03)
2. Con Precisione Eterna e Divina (4:28)
3. Palla di Legno (4:02)
4. Ma le Mele No (5:25)
5. La Culla (5:04)
6. E’ Solo Dopo Che c’è la Luce (2:44)
7. Non c’è Mai Tempo per Niente (7:55)
8. Superpezzi (Scat Version) (1:39)
9. Prelievo (11:09)
10. Un Figlio (4:05)
11. Scena di Vita Familiare con la Piccola Jo (4:13)
12. Due Finestre una Collina (4:24)
13. L’avventura del Soldatino Bianco (5:38)
14. Il Petalo del Fiore (Bonus Track) (16:07)
Total Time 77:56
1. Original video of “Superpezzi” (both in the official version and in the “director’s cut” version)
2. Video documentary called “NO TITLE THIS TIME”, about the intraction between music and images, in particular with Serena Rglietti’s artwork
3. “In’terviews” – this is a sort of “making of” of the CD, containing lots of interviews to the musicians involved (with english subtitles)
4. Photo slideshow illustrating a cover version of King Crimson’s “Larks’ Tongues in Aspic – part 1”
5. A short film about “The Wedding”, track released in the compilation “Kalevala”, in 2002
6. Demo 2005 version of the track “Un figlio”
7. Bonus track called “SIGLA!”, in which the band presents itself, talking while a sort of “THEME SONG” is going on.
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